Landlord's skeleton found on his bed after four years of his death.

The Orogbo community in Ido local government area was thrown into confusion, when they found out, the landlord which they last saw 2018 was dead in his own house. Mr John Aderemi Abiola was last seen December 2018. From 2019 to 2020, the residents started wondering where the man could be. An eyebrow was raised, although he communicated with two of his friends his intentions to go to Port Harcourt, River state and also be back for Ileya cerenony in 2018. He was not found in the festival and thereafter made them to think he was staying back in Port Harcourt. Tribune reported that the calls put across his phone line were not going through, after it was noticed that weeds have outgrown his building. The landlords in the community decided in a meeting to find a way to clear the grasses. From 2021 to 2022 the resident of the community who didn't know the whereabout of Mr John decided to gain access and clear the bushes. It was reported that the labourers who went to clear the...